OpenWF package


OpenWF.aux_functions module

OpenWF.aux_functions.log_progress(sequence, every=None, size=None, name='Items')

Ipywidget for displaying a progress bar. Developed by Elisa Heim

  • sequence ([type]) – [description]

  • every ([type], optional) – [description]. Defaults to None.

  • size ([type], optional) – [description]. Defaults to None.

  • name (str, optional) – [description]. Defaults to ‘Items’.


Ipywidget – a progress bar showing current / max number of models.

OpenWF.db_access module

db_access is a compendium of high-level python functions to mess around with a database.

OpenWF.db_access.close(conn, commit='Yes')

Close connection to the database, commit or dont.


Connect to an existing sqlite database file.


db_file – string - path to database file


connection object or None

OpenWF.db_access.get_columns(c, table, verbose=False)

Get all columns in a specified table.

OpenWF.db_access.get_tables(c, verbose=False)

Get all table names in the database.

Examples using OpenWF.db_access.connect

OpenWF.shemat_preprocessing module

This file contains preprocessing methods for creating SHEMAT-Suite models, created using the 2-step-conditioning workflow developed in the project Pilot Study Geothermics Aargau.

Methods comprise masking the geological model with topography and calculation of parameters, such as the heatflow.

OpenWF.shemat_preprocessing.conc_lithblocks(path: str = '.')

Concatenate multiple lith block files (npy files) in a folder into one numpy array


path (str, optional) – Path to the numpy array files. Defaults to ‘.’.


concatenated lith blocks in a numpy array

Return type


OpenWF.shemat_preprocessing.export_shemat_suite_input_file(geo_model, lithology_block, output: str = 'vtk hdf', units: Optional[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame] = None, head_bcs_file: Optional[str] = None, top_temp_bcs_file: Optional[str] = None, hf_bcs_file: Optional[str] = None, hf_value: float = 0.07, conduction_only: bool = True, data_file: Optional[str] = None, borehole_logs: Optional[numpy.array] = None, lateral_boundaries: str = 'noflow', path: Optional[str] = None, filename: str = 'geo_model_SHEMAT_input_erode')

Method to export a 3D geological model as SHEMAT-Suite input-file for a conductive HT-simulation.

  • geo_model (gp model) – gempy model

  • lithology_block (numpy array) – array containing the lithology IDs for the regular grid of the model

  • output (str, optional) – declare which output files should be generated hdf=HDF5, vtk=VTK, plt=PLT (tecplot)

  • units (pd.DataFrame, optional) – unit petrophysical parameters for SHEMAT-Suite model. Defaults to None.

  • head_bcs_file (str, optional) – boundary condition file for spatially varying boundary conditions (e.g. head by topography). Defaults to None.

  • top_temp_bcs_file (str, optional) – boundary condition file for spatially varying boundary conditions (e.g. temperature due to topography). Defaults to None.

  • data_file (str, optional) – data for calibrating the model, e.g. temperatures from boreholes. Defaults to None.

  • borehole_logs (np.array, optional) – coordinates for synthetic borehole logs, will write parameters such as pressure and temperature. Defaults to None.

  • path (str, optional) – save path for the SHEMAT-Suite input file. Defaults to None.

  • filename (str, optional) – name of the SHEMAt-Suite input file. Defaults to ‘geo_model_SHEMAT_input_erode’.


Normalize a df-column


df ([type]) – column of a pandas dataframe


normalized version of said dataframe

Return type


OpenWF.shemat_preprocessing.topomask(geo_model, lith_block)

Method to mask the GemPy model with topography and change masked IDs to a new one for air.

  • geo_model (gp model) – gempy geomodel

  • lith_block (np.array) – numpy array with the lith_block solution of a gempy model in a defined regular grid


lith_block masked with topography, so including cell IDs representing topography.

Return type


Examples using OpenWF.shemat_preprocessing.export_shemat_suite_input_file

OpenWF.postprocessing module

This file contains postprocessing methods for the SHEMAT-Suite models, created using the 2-step-conditioning workflow developed in the project Pilot Study Geothermics Aargau.

Methods comprise plotting and calculation of parameters, such as the heatflow.

OpenWF.postprocessing.add_dataset_to_hdf(f: h5py._hl.files.File, name: str = 'parameter', values=None)

Add data to an existing h5py file, which has to be loaded with ‘r+’, or ‘a’

  • f (h5py.File) – loaded HDF5 file, loaded using read_hdf_file with write=True

  • name (str, optional) – name of the dataset. Defaults to ‘parameter’.

  • values ([type], optional) – dataset values. Defaults to None.

OpenWF.postprocessing.available_parameters(file: h5py._hl.files.File)

Return a summary of available parameters in the simulation file


file (h5py.File) – loaded HDF5 file


dictionary with available parameters and short definition

Return type

available parameters [dict]

OpenWF.postprocessing.c_rmse(predicted, target)
OpenWF.postprocessing.calc_adv_hf(data: h5py._hl.files.File, direction: str = 'full')

Calculate advective heat flow

OpenWF.postprocessing.calc_cond_hf(data: h5py._hl.files.File, direction: str = 'full')

Calculate the conductive heat flow for the whole model cube in x, y, z direction

  • data (h5py.File) – HDF5 file with simulated variables

  • direction (str, optional) – string to return either full (x,y,z) heat flow, or just one direction. x returns just in x-direction, y just in y-direction, z just in z-direction. Defaults to ‘full’.


array with the heat flow in the specified direction, or the full. then the method returns three variables,

one for each direction.

Return type


OpenWF.postprocessing.calc_cond_hf_over_interval(data: h5py._hl.files.File, depth_interval: list, model_depth: float = 6000.0, direction: bool = False)

calculate the vertical heatflow over a certain depth interval.

  • data (h5py.File) – HDF5 file with simulated variables

  • depth_interval (list) – list of depth interval with [deeper, shallower] values

  • model_depth (float, optional) – vertical extent of the model in meter. Defaults to 6000..

  • direction (boolean, optional) – if set to True, direction of heatflow will be included, i.e. negative heat flows for outward ones


average heat flow over the defined depth interval

Return type

hf [array]

OpenWF.postprocessing.calc_tgradient(data, direction=True)

Return the temperature gradient in z-direction

  • data (HDF5) – HDF5 File with simulation results

  • direction (bool, optional) – direction considered (positive downward, negative upward). Defaults to True.


array of the temperature gradient

Return type

gradT (np.array)

OpenWF.postprocessing.extract_parameters(datafile, parameters: list = ['temp', 'uindex'], dimension: int = 3, direction: str = 'x')

extract single parameter fields from an HDF5 file for postprocessing.

  • datafile ([type]) – [description]

  • dimension (int, optional) – [description]. Defaults to 3.

  • direction (str, optional) – [description]. Defaults to ‘x’.



Return type


OpenWF.postprocessing.fahrenheit_to_celsius(temp_fahrenheit, difference=False)

Transform Fahrenheit temperatures to Celsius

  • temp_fahrenheit (float) – temperature in fahrenheit

  • difference (bool, optional) – relative difference to zero. Defaults to False.


temperature in Celsius

Return type


OpenWF.postprocessing.find_nearest(array, value)

Find nearest cell index to given value

  • array ([type]) – array with dimension values, i.e. x, y, or z direction

  • value ([type]) – target value, i.e. some coordinate in x, y, or z direction


closest cell index to defined value

Return type


OpenWF.postprocessing.heatcapacity(data: h5py._hl.files.File)

Calculate the specific, isobaric heat capacity of water based on Zyvoloski 1997.


data (h5py.File) – HDF5 file with the heat transport simulation


3D array of the specific heat capacity of water

Return type


Zyvoloski, G.A., Robinson, B.A., Dash, Z.V., & Trease, L.L. Summary of the models and methods for the FEHM application - a finite-element heat- and mass-transfer code. United States. doi:10.2172/565545.

OpenWF.postprocessing.load_inv(filepath: str = '.')

Load SHEMAT-Suite simulation data files


filepath (str, optional) – path to shemat-suite datafile. Files include simulated and observed values for #data nodes in the shemat-suite model. Defaults to ‘.’.


Dataframe with loaded values

Return type

[Pandas Dataframe]

OpenWF.postprocessing.plot_apriori_aposteriori(parameter_data, parameter, borehole, save=False, interval=[0, 100])
OpenWF.postprocessing.plot_log_inv(inv_data, forw_data, parameter_data, borehole, delz, z_extent: float, col_dict: dict, reduction: int = 1, apa=0.7, save=False)

Plot the simulated and measured temperature log of a borehole in front of borehole stratigraphy

  • inv_data (pandas dataframe) – dataframe with simulated data from shemat-suite

  • forw_data (pandas dataframe) – dataframe with observed data

  • parameter_data (dictionary) – dictionary with arrays from parameter files, read in with read2dict method

  • borehole (int) – borehole ID

  • delz (float) – vertical cell size of the model in meters (assuming regular grid)

  • z_extent (float) – vertical model extent in meters

  • col_dict (dictionary) – dictionary pairing lithology IDs to colors

  • reduction (int) – data reduction for plotting (in case you have so many points in your log)

  • apa (float, optional) – alpha value. Defaults to 0.7.

  • save (bool, optional) – save option for plot. Defaults to False.

OpenWF.postprocessing.plot_logs(data, delz, borehole: int = 0, apa=0.7, z_extent: float = 6000.0, col_dict: dict = {})

Plot temperature logs of simulated and observed temperatures with lithologies as background

  • data (pandas Dataframe)) – dataframe with borehole temperature data and cell values, i.e. i,j,k

  • delz (float) – cell size in z direction

  • borehole (int, optional) – borehole ID. Defaults to 0.

  • apa (float, optional) – alpha value. Defaults to 0.7.

  • z_extent (float, optional) – vertical model dimension. Defaults to 6000..

OpenWF.postprocessing.plot_slice(file, parameter: str = 'temp', direction: str = 'x', cell_number: int = 0, model_depth: Optional[float] = None)

Plot a slice of available parameters through the model in x, y, or z direction.

  • file (HDF5) – hdf5 file of SHEMAT-Suite results

  • parameter (str, optional) – parameter to be plotted. . Defaults to ‘temp’.

  • direction (str, optional) – direction in which the slice is plotted. Defaults to ‘x’.

  • cell_number (int, optional) – cell number at which the slice is plotted. Defaults to 0.

  • model_depth (float, optional) – model depth in meter above sea level. So if it extends 3 km below sea lvl, enter 3000. Defaults to None.

OpenWF.postprocessing.read2dict(file: str = '.')

Read a parameter file and store it as a dictionary


file (string) – path to file loaded. These are the parameter files generated by SHEMAT-Suite in gradient based inversion


dictionary with parameter blocks as arrays for different sections in the parameter file.

Return type

data_dict [dictionary]

OpenWF.postprocessing.read_hdf_file(filepath: str = '.', write: bool = False)

Short method to load an hdf5 file.


filepath (string) – path to the stored .h5 file

OpenWF.postprocessing.rejection(rmse, rnseed=None, u_g: float = 0.01, verbose=True, median=True)

Examples using OpenWF.postprocessing.calc_cond_hf

Module contents