Create a 3D model of a Permo-Carboniferous Trough (PCT)

Based on four seismic sections from the NAGRA report NAGRA NTB 14-02 [1], we extracted interface and orientation points of main eras (paleozoic, mesozoic, cenozoic) and major graben faults. Data from these 2D sections are complemented with data from GeoMol 2019, e.g. base of the PCT, thrusts, and normal faults.

The lithological units comprise the permo-carboniferous filling (paleozoic), Mesozoic, Tertiary strata, as well as the crystalline basement rocks. An important decision before building the geological model, is to define model units. Based on the purpose of the envisaged model, different units have to be defined. As the final result of this work will be an ensemble of advective heat-transport models, key paremeters for defining units are permeability, porosity, thermal conductivity of different geological layers. As part of the exploration work of nagra (National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste), regional and local hydrogeological models were constructed. The therein defined hydrostratigraphy provides the basis for defining the model units of this geological model. The regional hydrogeologic model is presented in the report NAGRA NAB 13-23 [2].

With the regional model covering an area comprising all potential storage sites defined by nagra, local models were built as well. These models comprise a more detailed hydrostratigraphy.

The potential storage site “Jura Ost” is within our model area, thus we also consider the hydrostratigraphy defined in this local hydrogeological model presented in the report NAGRA NAB 13-26 [3].

The model comprises an area of 45 km x 32 km, in x- and y-direction, respectively. It extends down to a depth of 6 km, with reference sea level. This notebook demonstrates step-by-step how the model is generated within the open source modeling software GemPy [4]. First, we will import libraries necessary to run this notebook:

# Importing GemPy
import gempy as gp

# Import improved plotting features from GemPy
from gempy.plot import visualization_2d as vv
from gempy.plot import vista

# Importing auxilary libraries
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20.0, 10.0)


C:\Users\brigg\miniconda3\envs\env_gempy38\lib\site-packages\gempy\ UserWarning: Unable to enable faulthandler:
'_LoggingTee' object has no attribute 'fileno'
  warnings.warn('Unable to enable faulthandler:\n%s' % str(e))

This example code was generated with Gempy-Version:

print(f"GemPy Version: {gp.__version__}")


GemPy Version: 2.2.9
Initialize the model

For modeling the PermoCarboniferous trough (PCT) in GemPy, we need to initialize a GemPy model object. This model object comprises multiple input data, such as interface points and orientations, which we previously stored in a .csv file. Further, we import the topography from a GeoTiff file. Conceptually, we create two models:

. 1. With data of the the base of the PCT known . 2. With additional data where the base of the PCT is inferred

The distinction of inferred vs. known locations of the PCT is based on GeoMol 2019, an update geological model of the Swiss Molasse Basin and adjacent areas. Known and inferred parts of the PCT in GeoMol can be seen here.

In this notebook, the user can choose whether only the “known” parts of the PCT base will be considered for modeling, or also the the inferred parts.

string either “known” or “inferred” to switch between model data

switch = "known"

if switch == 'known':
    # Import data - NOT INFERRED
    # Create a model instance
    geo_model = gp.create_model('PCT_model')

    # Initialize the model, set dimension and load interface and orientation data
    gp.init_data(geo_model, [2640000, 2685000., 1240000., 1275000., -6000, 1000.], [50, 50, 50],
                path_i = '../../../Editorial-Transitional-Heatflow/data/processed/GemPy/00_gempy_inputs/2021-06-02_interfaces_no_fault_horizon_reduced_graben_and_mandach.csv',
                path_o = '../../../Editorial-Transitional-Heatflow/data/processed/GemPy/00_gempy_inputs/20201007_orientations_with_Jurathrust5_no_quat_meso_reduced2.csv')

    geo_model.set_topography(source='gdal', filepath='../../../Editorial-Transitional-Heatflow/data/processed/GemPy/06_DTMs/DTM_200_for_GemPy_Model.tif')
elif switch == 'inferred':
    # Import data - INFERRED
    # Create a model instance
    geo_model = gp.create_model('PCT_model_inferred')

    # Initialize the model, set dimension and load interface and orientation data
    gp.init_data(geo_model, [2640000, 2685000., 1240000., 1275000., -6000, 1000.], [50, 50, 50],
                path_i = '../../data/processed/GemPy/00_gempy_inputs/20201005_interfaces_Jurathrust5_pct_inferred.csv',
                path_o = '../../data/processed/GemPy/00_gempy_inputs/20201007_orientations_with_Jurathrust5_no_quat_meso_reduced2_pct_inferred.csv')

    geo_model.set_topography(source='gdal', filepath='../../data/processed/GemPy/06_DTMs/DTM_200_for_GemPy_Model.tif')


Active grids: ['regular']
Cropped raster to geo_model.grid.extent.
depending on the size of the raster, this can take a while...
storing converted file...
Active grids: ['regular' 'topography']

To be coherent with existing geological models, e.g. geological cross-sections by nagra, we adapt the coloring for units according to NTB 14-02 [5]. For this, we create a color dictionary linking the units of the model to hex-color-codes.

col_dict = {'basement': '#efad83',
           'graben-fill': '#97ca68',
           'Mittlerer-Muschelkalk': '#f9ee3a',
           'Oberer-Muschelkalk': '#ffcf59',
           'Keuper': '#ffe19f',
           'Opalinuston': '#7f76b4',
           'Dogger': '#b0ac67',
           'Effinger-Schichten': '#47c4e2',
           'Malm': '#92d2ec',
           'USM': '#fbf379',
           'OMM': '#fbf379',
           'BIH-Basement-N': '#015482',
           'Fault-south': '#4585a8',
           'Fault_Basement_A': '#851515',
           'Vorwald_Basement': '#b54343',
           'Jurathrust5': '#5DA629',
           'Mandach': '#408f09'}


Visualize the data distribution

The following plot shows the different interface and orientation data loaded in the previous cell:

gp.plot_2d(geo_model, show_data=True, show_lith=False, show_results=False, direction='z', legend=False)
Cell Number: mid Direction: z


<gempy.plot.visualization_2d.Plot2D object at 0x000002184E3B0EB0>

The different colors in the plot represent the different model units. Circles represent the interface points, while arrows define the orientation of the respective surface in space.

GemPy interpolates these input data in space using a universal co-kriging approach. Later on, we will set up the interpolator.

Setting up Cross sections from the Nagra Report

As stated before, next to GeoMol [6], we incorporate geological interpretations from four migrated seismic sections, the NAGRA report NTB 14-02. For comparing the model results with the original interpretations, we define three cross sections in the model domain by specifying their start- and end-points and their resolution:

set three sections which go roughly North South:

section_dict = {'section4_3':([2670826,1268793],[2676862,1255579],[100,100]),


Active grids: ['regular' 'topography' 'sections']
start stop resolution dist
section4_3 [2670826, 1268793] [2676862, 1255579] [100, 100] 14527.322258
section4_4 [2649021, 1267107] [2659842, 1246715] [100, 100] 23085.226986
section4_8 [2643284, 1259358] [2680261, 1268521] [100, 100] 38095.394709

Display Model Information

In the following, we will go through model construction step-by-step. As an overview, we display the different units (here called surfaces) included in the model. Note that also faults are surfaces within this model context. Currently, they are not marked as faults, and GemPy would treat them as the base of another geological model unit.

To clarify, we model the base of a unit volume. That is, everything above the base surface is the respective unit, until the next base surface is reached. In total, our model comprises 17 surfaces. Everything beneath is filled with the 18th surface, called basement.

### Surfaces The majority of the structural features, i.e. normal- and thrust faults, are named following the names in GeoMol. Main features of the model is the asymetric graben system, with the major normal faults (Fault_Basement_A, Fault-south, BIH-Basement-N), and the graben fill, which is not present beyond the graben shoulders, unless where it is inferred. This, as well as the stop of major normal faults beneath the mesozoic units (the base of Mittlerer-Muschelkalk) are important considerations for the modeling process.

surface series order_surfaces color id
0 BIH-Basement-N Default series 1 #015482 1
1 Dogger Default series 2 #b0ac67 2
2 Effinger-Schichten Default series 3 #47c4e2 3
3 Fault_Basement_A Default series 4 #851515 4
4 Fault-south Default series 5 #4585a8 5
5 Jurathrust5 Default series 6 #5DA629 6
6 Keuper Default series 7 #ffe19f 7
7 Malm Default series 8 #92d2ec 8
8 Mandach Default series 9 #408f09 9
9 Mittlerer-Muschelkalk Default series 10 #f9ee3a 10
10 Oberer-Muschelkalk Default series 11 #ffcf59 11
11 OMM Default series 12 #fbf379 12
12 Opalinuston Default series 13 #7f76b4 13
13 USM Default series 14 #fbf379 14
14 Vorwald_Basement Default series 15 #b54343 15
15 graben-fill Default series 16 #97ca68 16
16 basement Basement 1 #efad83 17


One characteristic seen in the table above, is that all surfaces are assigned to a series called Default series. A _series_ in GemPy indicates whether units should be interpolated using the same parameters. That is, all surfaces within the same series will be sub-parallel. Thus, surfaces have to be grouped into different series, depending on their geometry in space. For instance, sub-parallel layers of a sedimentary sequence should be grouped in the same series, while an unconformity, or a fault should be assorted to its own series.

In this model, we group the majority of mesozoic and cenozoic units in one series, called Post_graben_series. Only the mesozoic surface Mittlerer-Muschelkalk will be assigned its own series, as it forms the basal detachement of the Jura Mountains. Palaeozoic graben sediments are also assigned its own series.

# Assign formations to series
                         {"Thrust_Mandach": 'Mandach',
                          "Thrust_Jura": 'Jurathrust5',
                          #"Thrust_Jura6": 'Jurathrust6', #('Jurathrust4', 'Jurathrust5', 'Jurathrust6'),
                          "Fault_north_series": 'Fault_Basement_A',
                          "Fault_south_series": 'Fault-south',
                          "Vorwald_series": 'Vorwald_Basement',
                          "BIH_series": 'BIH-Basement-N',
                          "Fault_north_series": 'Fault_Basement_A',
                          "Fault_south_series": 'Fault-south',
                         "Post_graben_series": ('OMM',
                          "Detachement": 'Mittlerer-Muschelkalk',
                         "Graben_series": 'graben-fill'},
surface series order_surfaces color id
8 Mandach Thrust_Mandach 1 #408f09 1
5 Jurathrust5 Thrust_Jura 1 #5DA629 2
3 Fault_Basement_A Fault_north_series 1 #851515 3
4 Fault-south Fault_south_series 1 #4585a8 4
14 Vorwald_Basement Vorwald_series 1 #b54343 5
0 BIH-Basement-N BIH_series 1 #015482 6
1 Dogger Post_graben_series 1 #b0ac67 7
2 Effinger-Schichten Post_graben_series 2 #47c4e2 8
6 Keuper Post_graben_series 3 #ffe19f 9
7 Malm Post_graben_series 4 #92d2ec 10
10 Oberer-Muschelkalk Post_graben_series 5 #ffcf59 11
11 OMM Post_graben_series 6 #fbf379 12
12 Opalinuston Post_graben_series 7 #7f76b4 13
13 USM Post_graben_series 8 #fbf379 14
9 Mittlerer-Muschelkalk Detachement 1 #f9ee3a 15
15 graben-fill Graben_series 1 #97ca68 16
16 basement Basement 1 #efad83 17

Define Faults

To distinguish between lithological units and faults, we have to assign which series are faults. Faults can be infinite, i.e. have the same displacement throughout the model space, or they can be finite, meaning displacement will be less towards the fault edges (which are defined by the extent of interface points used as input).

geo_model.set_is_fault(['Thrust_Mandach', 'Thrust_Jura', 'Fault_north_series',
                        'Fault_south_series', 'Vorwald_series', 'BIH_series'],
geo_model.set_is_finite_fault(series_fault=['BIH_series', 'Vorwald_series'],
order_series BottomRelation isActive isFault isFinite
Thrust_Mandach 1 Fault True True False
Thrust_Jura 2 Fault True True False
Fault_north_series 3 Fault True True False
Fault_south_series 4 Fault True True False
Vorwald_series 5 Fault True True True
BIH_series 6 Fault True True True
Post_graben_series 7 Erosion True False False
Detachement 8 Erosion True False False
Graben_series 9 Erosion True False False
Basement 10 Erosion False False False

Bottom relation

To set whether a surface is eroding or not, we can set a series’ bottom_relation. Per default, it is set to Erosion, meaning the base of a younger surface (higher up in the stratigraphic pile) will cut through older surfaces. Setting the bottom_relation to Onlap will cause the opposite, i.e. younger surfaces stop on older ones. We set the _Graben_series_ to onlap, as most of it is only present in the graben, i.e. hanging wall of the normal faults, but not in the foot wall.

geo_model.set_bottom_relation(series=['Graben_series'], bottom_relation='Onlap')
order_series BottomRelation isActive isFault isFinite
Thrust_Mandach 1 Fault True True False
Thrust_Jura 2 Fault True True False
Fault_north_series 3 Fault True True False
Fault_south_series 4 Fault True True False
Vorwald_series 5 Fault True True True
BIH_series 6 Fault True True True
Post_graben_series 7 Erosion True False False
Detachement 8 Erosion True False False
Graben_series 9 Onlap True False False
Basement 10 Erosion False False False

Define Fault relations

With cross-cutting faults, we need to define fault relations, i.e. which fault stops at which. This is important, as some normal faults stop at others, e.g. BIH_Series stops at Fault_south_series. Fault relations are set in a matrix, where True sets that one fault stops at the other. If set to False (the default), faults cross-cut each other without any effects.

Further, fault relations are used to define whether a fault displaces lithological series, or not. Per default, all faults displace the lithological series, but not other faults. This can be seen, if we plot the fault_relations matrix:

Thrust_Mandach Thrust_Jura Fault_north_series Fault_south_series Vorwald_series BIH_series Post_graben_series Detachement Graben_series Basement
Thrust_Mandach False False False False False False True True True True
Thrust_Jura False False False False False False True True True True
Fault_north_series False False False False False False True True True True
Fault_south_series False False False False False False True True True True
Vorwald_series False False False False False False True True True True
BIH_series False False False False False False True True True True
Post_graben_series False False False False False False False False False False
Detachement False False False False False False False False False False
Graben_series False False False False False False False False False False
Basement False False False False False False False False False False

We know that faults do not affect all lithological series equally. For instance, thrusts will not affect the paleozoic sediments filling the graben. Just as the mesozoic units are not affected by the normal faults. Thus we set up a fault relation matrix, considering:

  • thrusts only affect Mesozoic units

  • normal faults only affect Basement, Graben_series

  • normal faults stop at thrusts

We can update the fault relations by creating a boolean matrix of shape similar to faults_relations_df, to assign which fault displaces which unit, etc. Then we use this boolean matrix to set fault relations using the set_fault_relation() method.

fr = np.array([[False, False, False, False, False, False, True,  False, False, False],
               [False, False, False, True,  False, False, True,  False, False, False],
               [False, False, False, False, True,  False,  False, True,  True, True],
               [False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False,  True, True],
               [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True,  True, True],
               [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, True],
               [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False],
               [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False],
               [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False],
               [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False]])
Thrust_Mandach Thrust_Jura Fault_north_series Fault_south_series Vorwald_series BIH_series Post_graben_series Detachement Graben_series Basement
Thrust_Mandach False False False False False False True False False False
Thrust_Jura False False False True False False True False False False
Fault_north_series False False False False True False False True True True
Fault_south_series False False False False False True False False True True
Vorwald_series False False False False False False False True True True
BIH_series False False False False False False False False True True
Post_graben_series False False False False False False False False False False
Detachement False False False False False False False False False False
Graben_series False False False False False False False False False False
Basement False False False False False False False False False False

Remember when we had a look at the input data and briefly mentioned the interpolator? We now set the interpolator function for the underlying co-kriging interpolation using theano:



Setting kriging parameters to their default values.
Compiling theano function...
Level of Optimization:  fast_compile
Device:  cpu
Precision:  float64
Number of faults:  6
Compilation Done!
Kriging values:
range                                   57436.9
$C_o$                               7.85476e+07
drift equations  [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]

<gempy.core.interpolator.InterpolatorModel object at 0x000002184E41ABE0>

Creating the model

Now that we set the parameters and fault relations, it is time to start the modeling process. In Gempy, this is done using a single function gempy.comput_model giving the prepared _geo_model_ as input.

sol = gp.compute_model(geo_model, compute_mesh=True)


C:\Users\brigg\miniconda3\envs\env_gempy38\lib\site-packages\gempy\core\ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.
  self.geological_map = np.array(
C:\Users\brigg\miniconda3\envs\env_gempy38\lib\site-packages\gempy\core\ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.
  self.sections = np.array(

For comparing model results with geological interpretations of the aforementioned seismic sections, we plot the model units on top of the seismic profiles. Profiles 4.3 and 4.4 (nomenclature is taken from [1]) strike across the graben axis, while profile 4.8 goes roughly along the graben.

In the following plot, we model all profiles with the resulting geological grid, in the order from left to right: Profile 4.3, Profile 4.4, Profile 4.8.

gp.plot_2d(geo_model, section_names=list(section_dict), show_block=True, show_boundaries=False, show_data=False,
          show_topography=True, show_results=True)
section4_3, section4_4, section4_8


<gempy.plot.visualization_2d.Plot2D object at 0x00000218508B32B0>


[1]: Naef, H., and Madritsch, H.: Tektonische Karte des Nordschweizer Permokarbontrogs: Aktualisierung basierend auf 2D-Seismik und Schweredaten. Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB 14-017, (2014).
[2]: Gmünder, C., Malaguerra, F., Nusch, S., & Traber, D.: Regional Hydrogeo-logical Model of Northern Switzerland. Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB, 13-23, (2014).
[3]: Luo, J., Monninkhoff, B., Becker J.K.: Hydrogeological model Jura Ost. Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB, 13-26, (2014).
[4]: de la Varga, M., Schaaf, A., and Wellmann, F.: GemPy 1.0: Open-source stochastic geological modeling and inversion. Geoscientific Model Development, 12(1), (2019), 1. doi:
[5]: Gautschi, A., & Zuidema, P. (ed): Nagra technical report 14-02, geological basics-Dossier I-Introduction and summary; SGT Etappe 2: Vorschlag weiter zu untersuchender geologischer Standortgebiete mit zugehörigen Standortarealen für die Oberflächenanlage–Geologische Grundlagen–Dossier I–Einleitung und Zusammenfassung, (2014).
[6]: GeoMol Team (2015): GeoMol – Assessing subsurface potentials of the Alpine Foreland Basins for sustainable planning and use of natural resources – Project Report, 188 pp. (Augsburg, LfU).

Total running time of the script: ( 2 minutes 2.378 seconds)

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